Friday, 7 October 2011

Ode to Steve Jobs

''Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.'' -Steve Jobs 2005

The world lost another great man this week. And whether you love Apple or hate it (and are therefore crazy) there is no denying the impact this man has had on todays technology. I have heard him described as the Edison or Einstein of our generation and I think that is spot on. He has changed the world as we know it and he did it all with grace, dignity and pizzaz. If you haven't heard his Stanford University speech, check it on on youtube. It is truly inspirational. The way our children view technology and animation will have been largely shaped by this man.  He made computer geeks cool.

I love everything about Apple. I was a groupie before it was cool. The first computer I bought was an old Apple clam shell laptop and I loved it. Unfortunately it was about a hundred years old when I bought it so it wasn't around for long but I now use a mac mini. I had an original iPod in bright pink, I have since upgraded a few times and now sport the iPhone 4 and quite frankly would probably cry if forced to give it up. Those of you who aren't on the Apple band wagon I would really like to know why. It is user friendly, I am pretty lost when it comes to computers but am able to work my way around my mac (usually). They last forever (well I do warn you they aren't baby proof, but really what is?) and lets face it they also look cool. I fell in love with Apple in a high school media class and haven't looked back. 

Steve's death will no doubt be a huge blow to the company. I hope that new minds are able to step up and take over where he is left off and continue to produce ground breaking new advances in the world of technology.

Love what you do, live every day to the fullest, and make yourself proud. These are the words he has tried to instil on people. These are words we should all live by and teach our children to live by. 

"Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me…Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful…that's what matters to me." (Steve Jobs, 1993)

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